point-to-point circuit 点间通信线路
point-to-point dedicated circuit 专用直线电路
point t to point circuit 点到点通信
When an one-point or multi-point earth fault occurs, the monitor can quickly detect the serial number and polarity of the branch circuit earthed, and meantime give alarm to the operator on site.
The potential energy of a unit charge at any point in an electric circuit measured with respect to a specified reference point in the circuit or to ground; voltage.
The main research area is the structure optimization of floating-point adder, which is intent to minimize the delay of floating-point addition and optimize the circuit structure.
Those doctors would still not be able to improve school performance of the kids with learning disabilities and they would still not be able to prevent cognitive impairment and loss of memory in older adults because at this point we don't really understand enough about learning To know which neurons and synapses within a circuit would need to be tinkered with.