...生教育的二级学科: 我国目前还按老学科方向设置研 究生教育的二级学科: 电力系统及其自动化 (Power System and its Automation), , 电 机与电器 (Electrical Machines and Apparatus), , 高电压技术与绝缘 (High Voltage Tech.
电机与电器electric machines and electric apparatus 电力体系及其主动化power system and its automation 高电压与绝缘技能high voltage and insulation technology ..
"The Reliability on electric power system" is the degree course for the graduates majoring in the electric power system and its automation for a master's degree.
Also, a calculation model for instantaneous branch current is proposed, and is verified by examples. yang qingyun(Power System and Its Automation) Directed by prof.
But compare with power system and its automation major, this professional and opposite an unexpected winner, competitive strength is not great, admit scale to be close to 1:1.