深圳松岗孕产妇死亡和新生儿破伤风发病调查_皮肤性病健康网-皮肤性病防冶 关键词】 孕产妇 死亡率 新生儿 破伤风 [gap=1406]Key words:Pregnant and lying-in women; Mortality rate; The newborn; Tetanus
Objective: To reduce the mortality of the pregnant and lying-in women in Nanning City by pregnant health education.
The mortalities of pregnant and lying-in women and infants have decreased to 39.19% and 43.70% separately in 1998 compared in 1990.
结果农村新法接生健康教育有显著成效,1998年底孕产妇死亡率、婴儿死亡率较1990年分别下降39 19%和43 70 %。
But the works on decreasing mortality of lying-in and pregnant women, spreading safe water and healthful toilet, removing io- dine-deficiency disease and newborn tetanus still have gap.