1999年,日本索尼、日立金属和东京精锻所共同开发成功镁合金冲锻成型技术(Press Forging),在产业界引起了极大的轰动。与压铸和半固态成形的工艺进行比较,精密冲锻成型具有生产效率高、成品率高和成本低等优点,因此,...
colloidal graphite for press forging 锻压石墨乳
screw press forging die 螺旋压力机锻模
mechanical press forging die [机] 机械压力机锻模
hot press forging 热压锻造 ; 热压锻
mechanical press forging 锻压机模锻
sheet press forging 局部热冲锻
high speed hot press forging 高速热镦机
forging press [机] 锻压机 ; 锻造压力机 ; 热模锻压力机 ; 压锻机
Sheet warm forming process, sheet warm hydroforming process and sheet press forging process are introduced in this paper.
Our country makes the first ten thousand ton hydraulic press is the hammer forging hydraulic press.
Although the hydraulic forging press is a more expensive piece of equipment than a drop-forge, it has advantages beside those of giving greater strength and more uniform structure to large components.