...,按照该规则,除非特定的具体的条件能够满足,基础事实(basic fact)一旦被证实就要求事实裁判者确认推定事实(presumed fact)的存在。” 推定反应的事物之间的联系,并以这种联系为基础和依据。
Another tenet of Web 2.0 is the fact that while applications are presumed to use the Web as a platform, they aren't restricted to a browser on the desktop machine, or even to a browser at all.
Web 2.0的另一个原则是虽然应用程序可能使用Web作为平台,但这些应用程序并不受限于台式机上的浏览器,甚至根本不受限于任何浏览器。
Some traditional sources on the origin of Chinese music are reliable from which historical fact can be presumed with the assistance of archeological materials and sociological observations.