skin prick test 皮肤点刺试验 ; 皮肤点刺实验 ; 原皮肤点刺试验
skin prick test SPT 皮肤点刺试验
SPT skin prick test 皮肤点刺试验
Allergopharma skin prick test 阿罗格点刺试验
Results of dermatophagoides farinae and dermatophagoides pteronyssinus by skin prick test were related to the grades of asthma.
The results were the same for children whose mothers had a history of allergy and for those who had a positive reaction to the allergens used in the skin-prick test.
The skin-prick test: a drop of a solution containing the suspected allergen is placed on the skin of the subject's forearm, which is then pricked with a needle.