production planning and scheduling 生产作业计画 ; 生产计划排程 ; 生产计划与调度 ; 生产计划与作业计划 Production Quality and Maintenance 制作质量和品质维护 Production Ma...
...计划、运输和 生产计划排程等各种供应链计划模组,本文会著重介绍一下APS中生产计划排程(Production Planning and Scheduling)模组的基本原理 由车间模型生成排产计划的一般程式可简单地描述为下面6个步骤。
炼钢—连铸—热轧一体化集成调度管理_书生义气点江山_百度空间 关键词 热送热装 一体化管理 生产计划与调度 [gap=728]KEY WORDS HCR/DHCR,integrative management,production planning and scheduling
metallurgical production planning and scheduling 冶金生产计划与调度
integrated production planning and scheduling 集成化生产计划与调度模型 ; 计划调度集成
production planning and scheduling system 生产计划与调度系统
production planning and scheduling systems 生产计划与调度系统
production planning and scheduling optimization 流程优化与调度优化
The objective of this paper is to give a broad based overview of ERP systems and specify some important modules in following field: finance processing, production planning and scheduling, NPP, HR (human resource)…which are integrated in ERP system.
参考来源 - ERP系统的发展及其项目在跨国企业中的实施·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Production planning and scheduling, Work Order management, Coordinate delivery.
生产计划安排,工单管理, 协调交货。
Linking the enterprise 's production, the database on production planning and scheduling is analyzed and created.
This method offers a new effective approach to implement CAPP integrated with production planning and scheduling.