枫香半同胞子代遗传变异研究.PDF (文献资料) 关键词:枫香;子代测定;遗传变异 [gap=1393]Key words :L iqui dambar f ormosana Hance ;Progeny test ; Genetic variation
progeny test plantation 子代测定林
progeny test selection 后代试验选择
progeny test data 后代试验数据
one-parent progeny test 单亲后代测验 ; 单亲子代测定
progeny test stage 后代测验阶段
progeny test stand 代测定林分
progeny test detail 后裔鉴定
progeny test values 后裔测定
progeny test forest 子代测定林
A bulk progeny test is a simple way to learn the effectiveness of mass selection.
Stem height, diameter and volume growth were measured at various ages up to that of 16 (or 7) in a Chinese Fir progeny test.
A new method is presented here for obtaining an interval estimate of expected response to selection on the basis of the results of progeny test.