... property cache —属性缓存 protocol parser —协议分析程序 PSTN, Public Switched Telephone Network —公共电话交换网络 ...
...存取控制器(MAC),高速交换器引擎(switch Engine),高性能数字信号处理器(DSP)与Layer 2/Layer 4网络协议处理器(protocol parser),其中 RTL8366S ..
... property cache --- 属性缓存 protocol parser --- 和谈分析程序 PSTN, Public Switched Telephone Network --- 年夜家德律风互换网络 ...
Since the traditional IDS is weak of detecting application level attack, we designed a new IPS based on Application-Level Protocol Parser.
参考来源 - 基于应用层协议解析的入侵防御系统研究与设计·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Networking enhancements: the ability to provide SIP end-to-end traffic measurements and logging, and new communication protocol parser utilities.
The key to integrating the two products is the capability to extend the MDM SAML 1.1 Assertion Parser to include an STS client that utilizes the WS-Trust protocol to communicate with an STS server.
集成这两个产品的关键是扩展 MDM SAML 1.1 断言解析器,在其中包含一个 STS 客户机,它使用 WS-Trust 协议与 STS 服务器通信。
If memory efficiency and performance are significant, a parser that USES protocol buffers might be a better choice.
如果内存效率和性能很重要,使用protocol buffers的解析器可能是个较好的选择。