发行/订阅模式(publish-subscribe pattern)正是观察者模式(observer pattern)的别名,一方面可看作简化或退化的事件驱动式,另一方面可看作事件驱动式的核心思想。
The Swing framework makes extensive use of the Observer pattern (also known as the publish-subscribe pattern) in the form of event listeners.
One solution is to implement the publish/subscribe interaction pattern with WebSphere ESB.
一个解决方案是使用 WebSphere ESB 来实现发布/订阅交互模式。
What if, in the point-to-point interaction pattern between the requester and publisher mediation, the requester already uses a publish/subscribe interaction pattern, as shown in Figure 2?
在请求者和发布者中介之间的点到点交互模式中,如果请求者已经使用发布/订阅交互模式(如图 2 所示),该如何呢?