...【eNet硅谷动力消息】市场调研机构Rhetorik最近的一项调查结果显示,手机接收电子邮件(Push E-mail)的服务目前在企业当中相当流行,呈现增长态势。 婴儿天然潜水反应:走近最神奇的水下顽童 …
以上来源于: WordNet
Also known as the 9630, the BlackBerry Tour is a world phone with voice support in over 220 countries and push E-mail support in 175.
Five days later the Finnish firm said it would make a big push into two other markets: maps and E-mail on mobile phones.
Zimbra has used AjaxTK to push the envelope of what we think of as a Web page by developing a complete online Collaboration Suite, including enterprise-class E-mail, calendar, and contacts.
Zimbra已经使用AjaxTK挑战了我们所谓的web页面的极限,开发出完整的在线Collaboration Suite,其中包括企业级电子邮件、日历和联系人。