那么,角的终边(除 端点外)在第几象限,我们就说这个角是第几象限角(quadrant angle). 特别注意:如果 角的终边在坐标轴上,就认为这个角不属于任何一个象限。
... 象限;扇形齿轮;四分仪,象限仪;扇形体 quadrant 射角,象限角 quadrant angle 象限静电计 quadrant electrometer ...
quadrant angle of revolution 转动象限角 ; 滚动象限角
quadrant angle of fall [航] 落地俯角
quadrant angle of elevation [军] 仰角
quadrant angle of site 炮目高低角
quadrant angle of departure 掷角
back angle quadrant 靠背角量角器
knee angle quadrant 膝部角量角器
foot angle quadrant 小腿夹角量角器
This paper introduces the dual axis small Angle measuring system, which USES quadrant si-photoelectric cell as the detector, analyzes the measuring principle, experimental equipment.
The experiment came into use single light path critical angle method, output signals were detected by four-quadrant receiver, micro-displacement drive element were piezoelectric ceramics.
According to spot in the four-quadrant detector photosensitive surface position to calculate the ship's yaw Angle relative to the laser source.