Quality Circles(质量小组):A quality circle is a group of from 6 to 12 volunteer employees who meet regularly to discuss and solve problems affec...
... 质量环(Quality circles) 全面质量控制( Total quality control) 焦点工厂(Focused fa ctory) ...
Management Quality Circles 管理质量小组
Software quality circles 软件质量循环
Quality Control Circles 品管圈 ; 质量控制圈 ; 是品质管理圈
There are two main tasks assigned to quality circles: the identification of problems; and the suggestion of solutions.
质量管理小组有两个主要的任务: 找出问题; 以及提出解决问题的建议.
training only managers to run quality circles, and not the staff in the retail outlets who were expected to participate in them;
仅仅培训管理层去组成质量管理小组, 而那些原本应该参加的零售商店的一线员工却被排斥在外;
It was claimed at one time in the 1980s that there were as many as 10m people participating in quality circles in Japanese industry alone.