成都理工大学继续教育学院 第1章计算机基础知识(2)随机存取存储器(RAM-Random Access Memory) 随机存取存储器(Random Access Memory),缩写为RAM。 RAM数据可以读出,也可以写入,也称为可读可写存储器,通常简称为 内存。
RAM Random Access Memory 随机存取存储器 ; 随机存储内存 ; 随机存储器 ; 随机途径记忆
RAM random-access memory 随机存取存储器 ; 随机存储器
ram -random access memory 随机存储器
Random Access Memory RAM 随机存取存储器
RAM M Random Access Memory 随机存取存储器 ; 随机存储器
RAM RBDS Random Access Memory 随机存取存储器
RAM M random-access memory 随机存储器
Random Access Memory-RAM 随机存取存储器
DP-RAM Double Port-Random Access Memory 双端口随机存取存储器
With a VM system, you have two primary areas that store information about the active applications and the data it USES — the physical random access memory (RAM) and space allocated on hard drives.
Every computer has a processor and some random-access memory (RAM), also known as physical memory.
Paging space, or swap space, is a type of logical volume that serves as a staging area for processes that are not using active random-access memory (RAM).