... within one’s reach/within reach of 够得到,力所能及 reach at 企图去够 reach after 企图去摸(抓),企图获得名利,弄懂问题 ...
... reach after fame and fortune追名逐利 reach at竭力想达到〔得到〕 reach at a flower伸手去折花 ...
reach at a flower 伸手去折花
Zipper cannot reach at top 拉链车不到顶
maximum reach at ground level [机] 停机面最大挖掘半径
FMaximum digging reach at ground 在平地最大挖掘距离
Reach sb at 以什么联系
Privacy At Your Reach 隐私唾手可得
reach the bottom at 到达最低点
ResortQuest at Glacier's Reach 格莱斯埃快斯特酒店
arrive at reach 达到一个目的或实现一个目标
Of course, I wished I could reach at his level.
"I blew it in," was Joe's sad answer, with another reach at his aching head.
Wells then sank two straight jumpers to put the game out of reach at 92-87 with 1:53 to go.