Ready To Copy Memory Received 准备复制接收到存储器 ; 准备复制收到内存 ; 准备收到内存复制
ready to copy reserve 复制保护区准备 ; 准备复制储备 ; 随时准备以复制储备
Each issue comes with an eight-page teacher's guide that includes ready-to-copy worksheets that hone a variety of skills, such as scientific inquiry, map reading, research, writing, and computation.
A backup of a database is a database copy, together with control information, ready to be restored in the event of a failure.
Backup in DB2 is a database copy, together with control information, ready to be restored in the event of a failure.
DB 2中的备份是一个数据库以及控制信息的副本,可以用于恢复错误事件。