receiving end voltage 受电端电压 ; 接收端电压
receiving end crosstalk [通信] 接收端串音
receiving end crossfire 接收端交射 ; 收端串讯
on the receiving end 受气包 ; 等人的那一方 ; 在接收端 ; 接收端
be at the receiving end 成为攻击目标 ; 接受别人的礼物
receiving-end system 受端系统
load at receiving end 需要端电力
receiving-end impedance 受电端阻抗
receiving-end grid 受端电网
If you are on the receiving end of a "new" thank you, you can respond with a simple "no problem”, or "sure”.
如果你收到“形式新颖的”谢谢,你可以简单地回答“no problem(没问题)”或“sure(当然)”。
Should you find yourself on the receiving end of this kind of complaining, there's an ingenious way to shut it down which is to agree with it, ardently.
She found herself on the receiving end of a great deal of criticism.