Shield recharge rate 护盾回充速度 ; 护盾充能速度
Shield d recharge rate 护盾回充速度
natural recharge rate 天然补给速率
boundary recharge rate 边界补给量
groundwater recharge rate 地下水补给量
Reduced Tokyo weapons recharge rate 降低了东京的武器充能
Based on delayed recharge macroscopic mechanism of rainfall infiltrating, this paper proposes a simple and reliable mathematical method to build up the relation of delayed recharge rate with time.
As people’s demands on the river outpaced the rate of recharge, the deep, meandering reservoir dropped to only 33 percent of capacity in 2005.
Experts say it is still too early to know if the canal's water deliveries will help recharge the aquifer and slow Beijing's rate of subsidence.