... reduced-scale 缩尺比例 Reduced-scale building model 关键字 Reduced-scale model box test 缩尺模型盒试验 ...
reduced scale structural model 缩尺结构模型
mold loft on reduced scale 缩尺放样
reduced scale model 缩尺模型
on a reduced scale 小规模地
reduced scale prototype model test 缩尺原型试验
reduced-scale of hemispherical liner 杆式efp
a reduced scale 规模小些
reduced scale [测] 缩尺 ; 减压
Reduced-scale model box test 缩尺模型盒试验
The main methods for studying the atmospheric environment in street canyons include field observations, reduced-scale physical models and mathematical models.
Technology has reduced transaction costs, making sharing assets cheaper and easier than ever—and therefore possible on a much larger scale.
But technology has reduced transaction costs, making sharing assets cheaper and easier than ever-and therefore possible on a much larger scale.