"regular"是个多义词,它可以指regular(英语单词),regular(滑板或单板滑雪运动站姿),Regular(NCT 127演唱的歌曲)。
[ 复数 regulars 比较级 more regular 最高级 most regular ]
regular best asymptotically normal estimator : 正则最佳渐近正态估计量 regular : 匀称的;定期的;正规的;正则的 R.B. (regular budget) : 正常预算,正式预算,固定预算 .
...ar best asymptotically normal estimator : 正则最佳渐近正态估计量 regular : 匀称的;定期的;正规的;正则的 R.B. (regular budget) : 正常预算,正式预算,固定预算 ..
regular expression 正则表达式 ; 正规表达式 ; 正规表示式 ; 正则表达式大全
regular polygon 规则多边形 ; 正多角形 ; 正多边
regular season 季赛 ; 常规赛 ; 常规赛季 ; 通例赛
regular army 正规军 ; 指志愿入伍者 ; 指意愿退伍者
regular space 自由组稿 ; 正则拓扑空间 ; 自在组稿
regular script 楷书 ; 楷体 ; 真书
regular grammar 正则文法 ; 正规文法 ; 正则语法 ; 正常文法
regular player 基本演员 ; 基础演员 ; 根基演员 ; 根本演员
regular language 正则语言 ; 通俗的语言 ; 正箴言言
"his regular calls on his customers"; "regular meals"; "regular duties"
"a regular morass of details"; "a regular nincompoop"
同义词: veritable(a)
"following the regular procedure of the legislature"; "a regular electrical outlet"
"at a regular meeting of the PTA"; "regular bus departures"
"took his regular morning walk"; "her regular bedtime"
"a regular beat"
同义词: even
"a regular customer"
同义词: steady
"the regular army"
同义词: unconstipated
"regular features"; "a regular polygon"
同义词: even
"her regular bedtime"
"regular students"
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ Regular events have equal amounts of time between them, so that they happen, for example, at the same time each day or each week. 定期的
Get regular exercise.
We're going to be meeting there on a regular basis.
regularly ADV 定期地 [ADV with v]
He also writes regularly for "International Management" magazine.
ADJ Regular events happen often. 经常的
Although it may look unpleasant, this condition is harmless and usually clears up with regular shampooing.
regularly ADV 经常地 [ADV with v]
Fox, badger, and weasel are regularly seen here.
ADJ If you are, for example, a regular customer at a shop or a regular visitor to a place, you go there often. 经常的 (顾客或来访者) [ADJ n]
She has become a regular visitor to Houghton Hall.
N-COUNT The regulars at a place or on a team are the people who often go to the place or are often on the team. 常客; 正式队员
Regulars at his local bar have set up a fund to help out.
ADJ You use regular when referring to the thing, person, time, or place that is usually used by someone. For example, someone's regular place is the place where they usually sit. 固定的 [det ADJ n]
The man shook his hand and then sat at his regular table near the windows.
ADJ A regular rhythm consists of a series of sounds or movements with equal periods of time between them. 均匀的
...a very regular beat.
regularly ADV 均匀地 [ADV with v]
Remember to breathe regularly.
ADJ Regular is used to mean "normal." 普通的 [美国英语] [ADJ n]
The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette.
ADJ In some restaurants, a regular drink or quantity of food is of medium size. 中份的 [美国英语] [ADJ n]
...a cheeseburger and regular fries.
ADJ A regular pattern or arrangement consists of a series of things with equal spaces between them. 间隔一致的
The village was laid out in regular patterns.
ADJ If something has a regular shape, both halves are the same and it has straight edges or a smooth outline. 规则的
...some regular geometrical shape.
regularity N-UNCOUNT 规则性
...the chessboard regularity of their fields.
ADJ In grammar, a regular verb, noun, or adjective inflects in the same way as most verbs, nouns, or adjectives in the language. (动词、名词或形容词) 按规则变化的