Figure 3 shows a high level view of the query tables needed for this application and how they relate to the physical tables or views in the BPEDB database.
图 3 显示了一个应用程序所需要的查询表的高级视图,以及如何关联 BPEDB 数据库中的物理表或视图。
After you select a context in the tool, if the process Advisor is activated, the process Advisor view will be populated with process elements that relate to that context.
当您在工具里选择一种上下文后,如果Process Advisor被激活,您在Process Advisor视图里将会看到与上下文相关的过程元素。
For example, you can use the Group by Artifact element option to view comments as they relate to the particular elements in a diagram.
例如,您可以使用Group by Artifact Element选项,来查看与图表中特定元素相关的注释。