...重要的——改变了接口就改变了一切。 重构比较烦人的一点就是很多重构技术会要求对接口做出改变。像重命名方法(Rename Method)这么简单的重构其目的就是修改接口。那么这和大家引以为傲的封装概念有什么关系呢?
Rename e Method 函数改名
以上来源于: WordNet
If you would like to rename this method, a check of all classes in the inheritance hierarchy is needed to find all positions in the code which should be changed.
In addition to creating and destroying components, the host also handles component rename operations through the create method. The rename logic is simple, yet interesting.
So when you want to rename a method or class, it's easy for the environment to find every use of it by pinpointing the location in the AST.
因此,当需要重新命名一个方法或者类的时候,开发环境很容易通过在 AST 中精确定位找到方法或类被引用的每个地方。