霞 (EEIS, USTC) 通信网理论基础 2011 年 2 月 28 日 64 / 107 更新过程 更新过程 (Renewal Process) 更新过程 (Renewal Process) 是泊松过程的推广,事件发生的间 隔仍是 i.i.d,但分布函数不再是无记忆的指数分布 (可以是任意 分...
李辉 徐佩霞 (EEIS, USTC) 通信网理论基础 2011 年 2 月 28 日 64 / 107 更新过程 更新过程 (Renewal Process) 更新过程 (Renewal Process) 是泊松过程的推广,事件发生的间 隔仍是 i.i.d,但分布函数不再是无记忆的指数分布 (可以是任意 分...
... Renewal Process 更新过程 ; 新过程 ; 更换过程 ; 更新过程 renewal fees 公墓“续租费 plant renewal 设备更新 ...
alternating renewal process 交替更新过程 ; [数] 交替可更新过程 ; 更新过程
delayed renewal process 延迟的更新过程 ; [统计] 延迟更新过程
branching renewal process 分支更新过程
Markovian renewal process 马尔可夫更新过程 ; 马尔可父更新过程
Markov renewal process 马可夫再生程序 ; 马尔可夫更新过程 ; 马尔可夫更新理论
general renewal process 一般更新过程
stationary renewal process 平稳更新过程
regular Markov renewal process 正则马可夫更新过程
andersen renewal process andersen更新过程
Methods Based on the theory of renewal process the maximum likelihood estimators of parameters of the former are given.
We are pleased that much is changing in China for the better and we are happy to be part of this renewal process by that we teach our students.
The monophase fluid flow in triple media is considered as Markovian renewal process, and a mathematical model is set up with a new method in this paper.
This process is called self-renewal, so that's one important process of property stem cells, that they're capable of self-renewal.