建筑师佐伦·皮亚诺(Renzo Piano)是当代具有高度国际声誉的建筑大师,他设计的蓬皮杜中心是当今世界最具知名度的建筑之一,他也因此获得世界建筑最高奖普利茨克建...
Renzo Piano Building Workshop 皮亚诺建筑工作室 ; 皮亚诺建筑事务所 ; 工作室
Renzo Piano Workshop 与伦佐·皮亚诺
by renzo piano 惠特尼美国艺术博物馆
Renzo Piano-Fondation Beyeler 书名
Piano Renzo 皮亚诺
Like a ship's prow, a building designed by award-winning architect Renzo Piano seems to sail boldly onto designed Potsdamer Platz.
Italian architect Renzo Piano has done many works through his unique technically thinking, the works are fit for both of the functional and environmental requirement.
We had a layover of several hours in Chicago before boarding the Zephyr for San Francisco, so we dashed over to the Art Institute to see the excellent new Renzo Piano wing.