信誉系统(reputation system) 是用于支持信任 评价的机制 [ 12 ] . 在信誉系统中,由于评价 Agent 的 能力有限,仅使用直接信任不足以甚至不能完成评 价,必须参...
distributed reputation system 分布式信誉系统
Related parameters about Reputation System 论坛声望的相关参数
Web Reputation system 网页声誉系统
Beta reputation system Beta信誉系统
social reputation system 社会信用制度
reputation system effect 声誉机制效应
enterprise reputation system 企业声誉机制
trust and reputation system 信用和信誉系统
On the other side, the beta distribution system is founded to be fit for description reputation system by proving properties of beta reputation system; so, a case system based on beta distribution is developed.
参考来源 - 基于无线传感器网络的信誉形式化模型 in CBut to join such networks securely, the reputation system becomes a critical part to evaluate the trust of participants.
参考来源 - 基于P2P网络的分离声誉系统模型Security is one of the key problems in reputation system.
安全问题是P2P 网络中信誉体制的关键问题之一。
参考来源 - P2P网络中信誉体制的安全性研究Some scholars further suggest that the reputation system is unreliable and need to be improved. However, reputation systems?
参考来源 - 关于买方参与C2C网站在线声誉系统的探索性研究Hence, building up the credit mechanism of online auction is a system engineering from analyses. The reputation system, or Feedback Forum as it is called on eBay, is considered the most critical element for success in online auctions.
参考来源 - 电子商务环境下的网上拍卖信用问题及对策研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet