... murky adj. 黑暗的;朦胧的;阴郁的 restorative adj. 滋补的,有助于复元的;恢复健康的 lymphatic adj. 淋巴的;含淋巴的 ...
restorative justice 恢复性司法 ; 修复性司法 ; 修复式司法
Mandrake Restorative 曼德拉草恢复剂 ; 福灵剂
Restorative justice theory 恢复正义理论 ; 平衡理论 ; 理论
composite restorative resin 复合充填树脂
restorative control 恢复控制
atraumatic restorative treatment 非创伤性修复治疗 ; 非创伤性充填 ; 非创伤性修复 ; 非创伤性充填治疗
Restorative dentistry 修复学 ; 牙齿修复学系 ; 牙科修复 ; [口腔] 修复牙科学
restorative state 待恢复状态 ; 恢复状态
ginseng restorative pill 人参再造丸
ADJ Something that is restorative makes you feel healthier, stronger, or more cheerful after you have been feeling tired, weak, or miserable. 恢复健康的; 促进复元的
She opened the door to her bedroom, thinking how restorative a hot bath would feel tonight.
N-COUNT If you describe something as a restorative, you mean that it makes you feel healthier, stronger, or more cheerful after you have been feeling tired, weak, or miserable. 使人恢复健康的事物; 促进复元的事物
Seven days off could be a wonderful restorative.