键位布局(Key Layout) 重置所有设置(Restore All Data) 旋转屏幕(Rotate Screen) 其他的没什么好讲的,看看键位布局(Key Layout)这个部分
Unlike complete recovery, you have to restore all data files, instead of only the selected data files to be recovered.
This, however, is a very time-intensive option, as it requires you to reinstall your existing OS on the new drive, reinstall and reconfigure all of your applications, and restore all of your data.
不过,这是一个花费时间的选择,因为它需要您在新的驱动器上重新安装现有 OS 系统,重新安装和重新配置所有应用程序及还原所有数据。
There is a restore option too, in case someone deletes all the data.