...菲斯项目( Project Morpheus ),而墨菲斯正是西方神话中梦神的名字。说到梦神,那就首先要说到理查德?马克斯(Richard Marks),他曾参与过索尼的体感控制器PS Move的研发,这个小东西的外型其实就是一根棒子上面加一个光球(棒子顶个球),玩家通过挥动棒子...
Marks Richard L 发明人
以上来源于: WordNet
Richard Marks, a senior researcher at Sony "s games division, spends much of his time imagining new ways for consumers to interact with games."
索尼(Sony)游戏部高级研究员理查德·马克斯(Richard Marks)的主要工作就是开发新的游戏互动装置。
The founding of the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCCS) at the University of Birmingham by Richard Hoggart in 1964 marks the establishment of cultural studies as a discipline.
Richard was stricken with remorse. He ordered the prisoner to be presented with one hundred marks and set free.