非酒精性脂肪性肝病发病影响因素的病例对照研究_临床精粹_专业肝病网站--肝病防治学组-中华预防医学会(慢分会) 关键词】脂肪肝; 危险因素; 病例对照研究 [gap=1897]Key words】Fatty liver; Risk factors; Case-control studies
风险的三要素风险的三要素风险因素(risk factors, hazards)指引起风险事故发生的因素,增加风险事故发生可能性的因素,以及在事故发生后造成损失扩大和加重的因素,包括自然风险因素...
新生儿高胆红素血症病因分析-临床医学论文-论文联盟 关键词】 高胆红素血症;高危因素;新生儿 [gap=903]Key words: hyperbilibinemia;risk factors;newborn infants
psychological risk factors 心理危险因素
health risk factors 因素 ; 健康危险因素 ; 可获得性
predictive risk factors 多因素 ; 综合评估法
High risk factors 高危因素
Environmental risk factors 环境危险因素
Risk factors management 危险因素管理
Related risk factors 相关危险因素 ; 相关因素 ; 致病因素
cardiovascular risk factors 心血管危险因素
Fraud Risk Factors 舞弊风险因素 ; 如下舞弊风险因子
Conclusion Relevant risk factors of CP are various.
参考来源 - 小儿脑瘫危险因素分析There was difference in the risk factors of fasting hyperglycemia among the multiethnic population.
参考来源 - 新疆博尔塔拉州部分民族人群空腹高血糖影响因素的分析Objective To explore the high risk factors of coronary artery lesions(CALs) caused by Kawasaki disease(KD).
参考来源 - 川崎病患儿并发冠状动脉损害的高危因素分析In addition, influential factor of arbitrage risk factors were analyzed in the chapter.
参考来源 - 金融衍生工具投资与机构投资者绩效Also we have founded the knowledge block and risk analysis block, which would help the involvers of the electricity market to conclude on the risk factors.
参考来源 - 电力市场风险管理中专家系统设计方法研究Multivariate analysis results showed that age, type of work,insomnia,life events,social support and quality of life were risk factors to suicide ideation.
参考来源 - 沈阳市居民自杀态度、自杀意念及心理健康状况研究We found that the main risk factors for suicide ideation were age,economy state,body deformity,objective support by multiple regression analysis.
参考来源 - 15~39岁农村女性社会支持与自杀意念的关联研究Based on frame theory,it stores experts’ experiences about risk response in the expert system repository by the rule that there are mapping relations between solutions and risk factors.
参考来源 - 基于神经网络和框架推理的风险应对专家系统This paper will assess the risk of the introduction of large-scale activities to the security risk assessment, the large-scale activities of the major risks,risk factors,risk assessment models,risk control measures have been studied.
参考来源 - 大型社会活动安全风险指标体系研究Thereinto, overprotection from parents and mother's care affect adolencents a lot; 5) The physical traumatic event experienced by the individual directly, by observation (witness of death of another person), peer relationship, and environment stress were top risk factors for PTSD.
参考来源 - 上海市青少年PTSD状况调查及分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The consensus is that risk factors have an accumulative effect.
"One of the risk factors for premature deaths is the air we breathe, over which individuals have little control," he said.
When considering risk factors associated with serious chronic diseases, we often think about health indicators such as cholesterol, blood pressure, and body weight.
The researchers said the hair cortisol levels were a better predictor of heart attack than established risk factors like high blood pressure.
VOA: special.2010.10.12
That constellation of risk factors that gets packed together tells you more in some cases about a person's risk for disease than if all you knew was their weight.
There was The Seven Country Study, which was like The Framingham Study, where heart disease risk factors were mentioned, but he also did a very famous study on people starving.