...(警告:内有学术研究,非喜者勿入) 借低利日圆,贷高利澳币得承受日圆突然升值的风险,因此投资人会得到风险贴水(risk premium)作为报酬,因此日圆得一直贬,风险贴水才会实现。 .
张三的风险保费(risk premium)是多少? We define the risk premium as the maximum amount an individual is willing to pay above the actuarially fair pre...
Risk Premium for Bonds 债券风险溢价
Equity Risk Premium 股票风险溢价 ; 险溢价 ; 溢价
Market risk premium 市场风险溢价 ; 报酬 ; 市场分险补偿
Default Risk Premium 风险溢价 ; 违约风险溢酬 ; 违约风险贴水 ; 违约风险溢价
maturity risk premium 到期日风险溢酬 ; 风险溢价 ; 溢酬 ; 补偿
War Risk Premium 战险保费 ; 战争险保费
liquidity risk premium 流动风险溢酬 ; 变现力溢价
inflation risk premium 通货膨胀溢价 ; 通胀风险溢价
bond risk premium 债券风险溢酬
On one hand, the asset liquidity risk premium doesnot exist for the relation between the liquidity and volatility.
参考来源 - 沪铜期货日流动性与日波动性关系的实证研究Since April 1, 2003 so far, particularly since the implementation of the new exchange rate system, there is a time-varying risk premium in the RMB's forward exchange rate market.
参考来源 - 人民币衍生产品市场的计量经济分析Even though the risk premium is time-varying except in Nikkei,a bad information shock leads a positive relationship between expectation returns and risk can not be held,which could not support the Time-Varying Rational Expectations Hypothesis.
参考来源 - 时变理性预期假说与过度反应假说——基于ANST·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet