Niger River 尼日尔河
Niger River Basin 尼日尔河流域
Niger River of West Africa 尼日尔河
Niger River Delta 尼日尔河三角洲
niger river commission 尼日尔河委员会
Cross The Niger River 跨尼日尔河两岸
niger river basin committee 尼日尔河流域委员会
But the hardest hit have been West African countries along the River Niger, which is at its highest level in over 80 years, according to the BBC.
We were walking along the bank of the Niger river, searching for the tracks of a hippopotamus that was ravaging the corn on Karim's farm.
In systems too large for a single group, there are layers of decision-making: the nomads of the Sahel, for example, used to have overlapping informal authorities up and down the Niger river.