加拿大休伦学院2017留学费用 学费(Tuition):21,789加元 食宿费(Room and Board):9,069加元 书本费(Books and Supplies):0 以上就是小编给大家带来的加拿大休伦学院2017留学费用简单介绍,希望能给大...
... 平均饮食费(Typical board) 食宿合计(Room and board) 其他杂费(Additional fees Estimated): ...
Room and Board Information 食宿杂费
Toilena Room and Board 图丽那酒店
Board-room and conference table 会议桌 ; 桦木门 ; 会议倬
Free room and board 免费食宿
full room and board 包吃包住
以上来源于: WordNet
N-UNCOUNT If you are provided with room and board, you are provided with food and a place to sleep, especially as part of the conditions of a job or a course. 食宿
Participants receive free room and board while they are in the academy.
Free room and board are provided for all hotel staff.
Participants receive free room and board while they are in the academy.
At 8 years old, he worked as a kitchen boy for a restaurant in Paris in exchange for room and board.
He was conning me and I knew it for room and board and how to write, etc., and he knew I knew.
But it's like, college here is a lot of money for like tuition, room and board and stuff.