... out of memory' 的解释 run out of memory 内存用完 ; 内存溢出 out of retain memory 出保留内存 ; 出的保留内存 ...
... out-of-memory exception 频外发讯 run out of memory 记忆体用完; 内存用完 time out of memory 追忆不出的时期 ...
... 长度压缩 Run Length Encoding, RLE 长度压缩限制编码 run out of memory 执行 TemporaryMacro run time ...
If you do not close your Cursors, then you might quickly run out of memory and cause your application to crash.
Even when it didn't actually run out of memory, the GC overhead was just too high when memory consumption was high.
Each extra session requires extra memory for its backups on every node in the cluster, so you quickly run out of memory.
Let's assume that the user typed in a pretty short word we didn't run out of memory or anything crazy so here's the new feature.
Or take this value out of memory, run it through some other simple operation, stick it back in memory.
And those instructions, by the way, are very simple: they're things like, take the value out of two places in memory, and run them through the multiplier in here, a little piece of circuitry, and stick them back into someplace in memory.