运行时的调用栈(runtime call stack) Source program 上图展示了被零除的异常在其出现的方法Orange 中没有得到处理,在此情形下,运行时系统将会循着方法调用的层次逐...
When my SCA application encounters a problem, can someone explain the various classes I see on the runtime call stack?
This object must have a method called run(), which is executed by the runtime once the current frame in the call stack is specially marked as described above.
这个对象必须有一个名为 run() 的方法,在调用堆栈中的当前帧特别做了如上所述的标记时,由运行时执行这个方法。
Do you have ideas what you could do with Rubinius' transparency and accessible internals, i.e. accessing and modifying bytecode at runtime, inspecting the call stack etc.?