本情况 中文名称: 安全工程技术 英文名称: Safety Engineering Technology 授课对象: 安全工程专业本科生 开课学期: 春 学时数: 72 (含实验6 学时) 学分数: 4 课程性质: 必修专业基础课 考核方式: 考试 先修课程: 概率
Fire and Safety Engineering Technology 火灾与安全工程技术 ; 消防工程技术
Safety Technology and Engineering 安全技能及工程 ; 保险技术及工程
Chemical Engineering Safety Technology 化工安全技术
safety technology & engineering 安全技术与工程
safety technology &engineering 安全技术与工程
The business unit being acquired includes products, technology, development engineering, marketing, sales and distribution to serve the industrial safety and automation markets.
The study work of safety science and technology is one of the important chains in the great system engineering.
Experiencing the transition and practice from industry safety technology to safety engineering speciality, the goal of training and the setting of the disciplinary courses were discussed.