关于公路路基处理中挤密砂桩施工技术的探讨 - xzbu.com 中国论文网 关键词:公路路基;挤密砂桩;施工工艺 [gap=279]Keywords: highway subgrade; Sand compaction pile; Construction technology
Sand Compaction Pile Method 夯实砂桩法 ; 挤压砂桩工法 ; 砂桩加固法
Method sand compaction pile 夯实砂椿法
vibroflotation sand compaction pile 振冲挤密砂桩
sand-gravel compaction pile 挤密砂石桩
compaction sand pile 挤密砂桩
vibro-compaction sand pile 振冲碎石桩
viborsinking sand-gravel compaction pile 振动沉管挤密砂石桩
The vibroflotation sand compaction pile is an economical, reasonable ground treatment method, and it is recommended to use in this substation foundation.
Combined with the construction practice, the paper introduced the principle, performance and design method of the liquefaction of vibrating sand compaction pile.