saved layouts 保存布局
has saved 节省了
Naji saved 男性英文名字
saved coke 节约焦炭
saved feed 节料
date saved 保存日期
water-saved 节水灌溉
saved power Nessler法
V-T If you save someone or something, you help them to avoid harm or to escape from a dangerous or unpleasant situation. 救助; 拯救 austerity programme designed to save the country's failing economy.
The meeting is an attempt to mobilize nations to save children from death by disease and malnutrition.
V-T/V-I If you save, you gradually collect money by spending less than you get, usually in order to buy something that you want. 储蓄
The majority of people intend to save, but find that by the end of the month there is nothing left.
Tim and Barbara are now saving for a house in the suburbs.
I was trying to save money to go to college.
PHRASAL VERB Save up means the same as . 同(save)
Julie wanted to put some of her money aside for holidays or save up for something special.
V-T/V-I If you save something such as time or money, you prevent the loss or waste of it. 节约
It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot within reach.
I'll try to save him the expense of a flight from Perth.
A new filter can save on energy bills.
V-T If you save something, you keep it because it will be needed later. 保留 (备用)
Drain the beans thoroughly and save the stock for soup.
V-T If someone or something saves you from an unpleasant action or experience, they change the situation so that you do not have to do it or experience it. 免去
The scanner will reduce the need for exploratory operations which will save risk and pain for patients.
She was hoping that something might save her from having to make a decision.
V-T/V-I If you save data in a computer, you give the computer an instruction to store the data on a tape or disk. 保存; 存盘 [计算机]
Try to get into the habit of saving your work regularly.
Save frequently when you are creating graphics.
V-T/V-I If a goalkeeper saves, or saves a shot, they succeed in preventing the ball from going into the goal. 救球; 扑救
He saved one shot when the ball hit him on the head.
N-COUNT Save is also a noun. 救球; 扑救
The goalie made some great saves.
PREP with the exception of 除了 (Also saving)
CONJ but; except 但是
to save the day →see day
to save face →see face