科学素质(scientific literacy)是指一个公民应该具备的科学技术常识,掌握基本的科学方法,和参与公共事务过程中所体现出来的科学态度和科学元气?心灵。
... computer literacy 计算机文化 ; 电脑素养 ; 计算机素养 ; 电脑知识 scientific literacy 科学素养 ; 科学素质 ; 科 ; 科研素养 literacy rate 识字率 ...
...科 学 素 养 ; 信 息 技 术 ; 整 合 [gap=14274]Key words: p rimary school teachers of science course; scientific literacy; information technology; integration ..
Civic Scientific Literacy 公民科学素养 ; 科学素养
Cultural Scientific Literacy 文化科学素养 ; 文化的科学素养 ; 文化性科学素养
Practical Scientific Literacy 实践科学素养 ; 实用科学素养 ; 实践的科学素养 ; 实用科学素质
Nominal scientific literacy 科学素养
functional scientific literacy 功能性科学素养 ; 功能的科学素养
Towards Scientific Literacy 向科学素养迈进
Public Scientific Literacy 科学素养 ; 公民科学素质
Education, economy, politics and culture are the major factors that affect scientific literacy of rural population in Kunming.
参考来源 - 昆明市农村公众科学素养状况分析及改进研究Thus, establish the evaluation system of the scientific literacy can provide the measure and the direction for improving the civic scientific literacy.
参考来源 - 对科学精神测量评价的初步讨论与尝试Through the study of science theory, this thesis puts its focus on the exhaustive expound of the essence of scientific literacy and scientific sprit.
参考来源 - 在探究式教学中培养学生的科学精神Education, economy, politics and culture are the major factors that affect scientific literacy of rural population in Kunming.
参考来源 - 昆明市农村公众科学素养状况分析及改进研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Have a good work ethic, a high degree of social responsibility and rich cultural scientific literacy.
The future even if you are not a scientist, but it requires that you must have a basic scientific literacy.
It is also time to install a vigorous programme of scientific literacy in schools, a programme additional to normal science subjects.