侧脑室下角底面突出的神经构造,其剖面形似海马(sea horse)。把阿蒙氏角(Ammon’s horn)、齿状回和海马 伞合称为海马体(hippocampal form-ation),它在大脑皮层的发生学上属古老的旧皮...
Australian Sea Horse 澳洲海马
Sea Horse Ranch 海马庄园
sea-horse 海马
Sea Horse Hotel 海马酒店
four years liu sea horse 四岁的海骝马
Sea Horse Patong 芭东海马酒店
Sea-Horse Hippocampus 海螵蛸粉末
Sea Horse Bungalow 海马平房酒店2号
a sea horse 海马
N-COUNT A seahorse is a type of small fish which appears to swim in a vertical position and whose head looks a little like the head of a horse. 海马