The Draft’s changes in principle of responsibility, exonerations, responsibility of seaworthiness and so on may have quite great influences on amount of liability;Abolishment of "exoneration from liability by navigation fault" will shrink greatly the amout of General Average contribution;Abolishment of "exoneration from liability by navigation fault" will bring a new attack to the procedure of LLMC;The Draft will not effect essentialy the nature of claims and the conditions of LLMC.
2.《草案》在运输主体的归责原则、免责事项、对船舶适航义务等方面的变化对海事赔偿责任限额可能产生较大影响; “航海过失免责”的废除会造成共同海损分摊的数量范围大大缩小; “航海过失免责”的废除将会对海事赔偿责任限制程序,尤其是对不同国家间基金的协调问题带来新的冲击; 但《草案》对海事赔偿责任限制的债权性质和种类以及海事赔偿责任限制的条件不会有实质性的影响。
参考来源 - 运输法草案对海事赔偿责任限制的影响及应对·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress