... Secured 有担保的 secured account 担保账户 secured creditors’ right in bankruptcy proceedings 破产中的有保证债权 ...
Third Party Secured Account 第三方安全账户
loan secured by account receivable [金融] 债权担保放款 ; 应收款作担保的借款
overdraft on current account secured 往来抵押透支
secured d account 担保帐户
overdrafts on current account secured 有抵押往来帐透支 ; 往来抵押透支
You are just a step away from having your email validated and get rewarded with 500 EXP at the same time enjoy a secured account.
You can automatically backup all your photos and videos to your secured cloud account.
If the transfer does not meet this requirement, the two parties to the transaction must account for the transfer as a secured borrowing with a pledge of collateral.