... 数据库作为服务(Database-as-a-Service) 安全作为服务(Security-as-a-Service) 通信作为服务(Communication-as-a-Service) ...
Security as a Service 安全即服务 ; 安全作为服务
security as a service SECaaS 安全即服务
Application Security as a Service 应用程序安全即服务
Security Platform as a Service 安全平台即服务
Security Software as a Service 安全软件即服务
Security Infrastructure as a Service 安全基础设施即服务
以上来源于: WordNet
Enterprise services run on the enterprise services node that contains the products that provide the data, security and other infrastructure services such as a service registry.
In addition, GVPE is also easy to setup and configure as a restartable and permanent service, while still retaining security.
These assertions are created by the entity responsible for security enforcement (such as a security service) to convey its findings to other entities that depend on those findings.