...色列空军非隐身战斗机,它是在不影响网络正常工作的情况下:使Internet 与Intranet 之间建立起一个安全网关(Security Gateway):网络心理战是在网络空间展开的精神心理博弈。网络服务正常有序?
local security gateway type 近端网关安全群组设定 ; 网关身分类型
Web Security Gateway 安全网关 ; Web安全网关
UTM Security Gateway 统一威胁管理网关系列
security gateway device 网关装置 ; 安全网关装置
Mobile Security Gateway 移动安全网关
Security Gateway Function 安全网关功能
Virtual Security Gateway 部署实验视频
remote security gateway type 远程网关安全群组设定
In this paper,We first introduce the principle of intrusion detection,then,based on the demand analysis of wireless security gateway detection system,we design and realize this system.
该文首先介绍了入侵 检测的原理,然后在无线安全网关 检测 系统的需求分析的基础上,对 系统进行了设计和实现。
参考来源 - 无线安全检测系统的研究与设计—《电脑知识与技术·学术交流》—2008年第29期—龙源期刊网·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The XS40 XML Security Gateway meets the functional and non-functional requirements to support this pattern.
XS40 XML Security Gateway可以满足支持此模式的功能性和非功能性需求。
Finally, combining RADIUS authentication server efficiently, the port control of user access in wireless security gateway is analyzed.
The security architecture is made of a security gateway and an operating system library which tags data as it is being used by the web application.