... sequential interdependence 序列性依存 self-directed team 自我管理型团队 specialist 专门战略 ...
self-directed work team 自我管理团队 ; 自我监督工作团队
Scrum: Scrum is a daily action plan meeting held by the self-directed team.
Scrum:Scrum 是由自主团队举行的日常行动计划会议。
Scrum's distinctive emphasis among the methods is its strong promotion of self-directed teams, daily team measurement, and avoidance of prescriptive process. Some key practices of Scrum include.
The Sprint team is a self-directed cross-functional team, working towards the common goal of understanding the APAR.
Sprint 团队是自主的跨功能团队,朝着理解 APAR 这一共同目标而努力。