self-referential 自我指涉 ; 自我参考 ; 自我参照 ; 自引用
self-referential structure 自引用结构 ; 考结构
self referential house 自行参考众议院
self-referential attribute 自引用属性
Self-referential design 自我参考设计 ; 自参考的设计
self-referential statement 自我参照的表述
that of the self-referential 那自我参考 ; 自我参照
Self-referential Code 与代码挖掘相关的另外一个问题是自引用代码问题
There were no historical records of Homer, and no trustworthy biography of the man exists beyond a few self-referential hints embedded in the texts themselves.
Critics complain that Obama's speeches are too self-referential.
As with other PCRE implementations, you can refer to a subpattern match from within the replacement, allowing an operation to be self-referential.