...03年6月至2005年7月, 西方强国佛罗里达大学(University of Florida)电气和计较机工程系作为高级研究员(Senior Research Scholar)完成为了一项西方强国天然科学基金会三年期科学研究项目 ⑶2002年蒲月至2003年4月,英国巴斯大学(University of Bath)电子电气工程...
Dr. GARY SICK (Senior ResearchScholar and Adjunct Professor of International Affairs, Columbia University): All we ever talk about is adding more sanctions until Iran finally gives up, and I don't know of anybody in the European side or the American side, who genuinely believes that another round of sanctions, which is likely to be pretty mild, is going to make Iran really change its policies.