老王残局时没方向感(Sense of direction),大局观较差,缓手(Slow Hand)较多。但他的中盘气力如故蛮大的,他常说的一句话(Word)即是“拨出萝卜带出泥”。
... • Less depression 减轻抑郁情绪 • Sense of direction 增加方向感 • Increase in obesity 肥胖率增 ...
...水平以外,最重要的是考复按生的保存和生活能力,做这类题目的一个整体要求是首先要有斗劲强的标的目的感(sense of direction),前后摆布、器材南北的概念要斗劲清楚,然后再开端详细的解题步骤。
a sense of direction 方向感 ; 的中文解释
Good sense of direction 很好的方向感
lose one's sense of direction 辨不清方向
Rich Sense Of Direction 富有责任感方向
With no sense of direction 漫无目的
direction-sense sense of direction 方向感
A good sense of direction 很好的方向感 ; 好的方向感
N-SING Your sense of direction is your ability to know roughly where you are, or which way to go, even when you are in an unfamiliar place. 方向感
He had a poor sense of direction and soon got lost.
N-SING If you say that someone has a sense of direction, you mean that they seem to have clear ideas about what they want to do or achieve. 目标明确 [表赞许]
The country now had a sense of direction again.