中文翻译英文 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 关键词:室内设计,分隔,空间感,功能,美好居家环境 [gap=548]Key words:Interior design,separation,sense of space,function,and a good domestic environment
Weak sense of space 场地意识的淡薄
Territory sense of space 空间领域感
feminine sense of space 女性空间意识
sense of space and time 自我空间和时间
sense of space and color 空间和色彩感
the sense of space sight 空间视觉感
sense of musical space 音乐空间感
Chinese garden designers have used the method of "borrowing scenery with a mirror" to create a sense of space.
Whatever methods used, every effort is made to achieve the purpose of giving visitors a sense of space in the garden.
There is that sense of space, of expansiveness, the possibility of travel.
The Guggenheim says the aim is to celebrate the basic idea behind Wright's architecture -- the sense of freedom in interior space.
VOA: special.2009.04.06
There is that sense of space, of expansiveness, the possibility of travel.
And it's her only her humility, the sense of not being able to, that allows her space to be able to do what is proposed to her by the angel Gabriel.