Sensors & Application 传感器及应用
Fundamentals of Sensors & Application 传感器原理及应用
sound sensors application 声传感器应用
Fundamentals and Application of Sensors 传感器原理及应用
Sensors& Application 传感器及应用
Application of Sensors 传感器的应用
Novel sensors and their application 新型传感器及其应用
Sensors for low temperature application 发明名称
One application for sensors in social networks is to help people to meet others, using alerts based on their location at a particular time.
Such knowledge means EEG headsets can be made with just a few sensors for a particular application, making them smaller and less obtrusive, says Dr Contreras-Vidal.
Dr Contreras-Vidal指出,这些发现意味着制造EEG头罩只需少量具有特定应用目的的传感器,使得头罩更加小巧便利。
To interact with a sensor, an application must register to listen for activity related to one or more sensors.