服务个性化 personalized service; service personalization 赋予个性 individualiseindividualizeindividuateindividuation; individuation ..
e-service personalization 个性化电子服务
personalization service 性化服务 ; 亦即所谓的个人化服务
Graphical Personalization Service 化服务
personalization service system 个性化信息服务系统
provide personalization service 提供个性化的服务
information personalization service 信息个性化服务
cross system personalization service 跨系统个性化服务
Personalization and customization are forms of co-creation because they require the site user to invest some time to report their preferences for the type of service they'll receive.
Yet, these same firms are also trying to drive new or additional business by increasing customer loyalty and satisfaction through better personalization and service delivery.
In addition to taking the same steps that you took in the first tutorial, for the second tutorial you implement a Personalization application object to get data from a Web service.